भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

HCIKL Event Image - 31 January 2022

Greetings from CAPEXIL!  – India’s Premier International Trade Facilitation & Export Promotion Council under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

It is our privilege to inform you that under the auspices of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, as a part of export promotion programme, CAPEXIL is organising a Virtual India International Ceramic & Building Material Fair with B2B Meet (Virtual) during 8th to 11th March 2022 (4 days) in CAPEXIL's virtual platform with 30 Indian Exporters and more than 1000 Overseas Importers under approved MAI Plan of MOC&I, GOI for 2021-22.

30 established CAPEXIL Members / Indian Exporters from MSME segment to large conglomerate of Ceramics & Allied Products (specially from Ceramic Tiles & Sanitarywares as primary products) covering all categories of Ceramic Products viz. Ceramic tiles, Sanitarywares, Roofing tiles, Vitrified Tiles, Wall Tiles, Floor Tiles, Porcelain Tiles etc. will be participating in this event, followed by series of virtual B2B Meets under MAKE IN INDIA Initiative of the Govt. of India

This is an initiative to bridge the gap between Indian products and demand for Ceramics and Allied Products in Malaysia in the post-pandemic era and thereby would like to contribute a bit to mitigate the international business and expand our exports. 

The prime objective of the said event  is to promote bilateral trade between India & South East Asian Region in general and with Malaysia  in particular and to export from India various  Ceramics & Allied Products as specified above 

In this connection, we would like to update you with the following along with our expectation from our esteemed Mission :- 

1) Please find attached herewith a detailed profile of 30 Indian Exhibitors with respective HS Codes they are dealing with(mainly from Ceramic Tiles & Sanitarywares) .They are looking for an opportunity to meet Importers from    Malaysia during 8th to 11th March 2022 on our virtual platform.

2) Registration / Log-in Link for importers/visitors/distributors/agents, etc willing to take part / have B2B Meetings with Indian Exhibitors is 

3) Flyers in English is enclosed herewith for rampant publicity and dissemination to all concerns to attract maximum footfall in the said event. However, may we request you to kindly arrange to convert the said flyer in local language for wider circulation.  

4) Since the event is not only an Exhibition but  we are also going to arrange a private B2B meet, we are in quest of some pre-registered established Importers of Ceramic Tiles & sanitarywares from Malaysia(as we are expecting 20 to 30 Importers from  Malaysia) apart from normal visitors looking for sourcing Ceramic Products from India. 

Considering the above and limited time left in our hand, we will be highly obliged for your  personal intervention on the matter so that any Chamber/Association/ Trade Body/ professional Agency who can help us to get some established Importers of Ceramic Tiles & Sanitarywares from  Malaysia.

The importer can register in their own language well in advance through the above link to the event and can have private B2B Meetings with the Indian Exhibitors as per pre-scheduled timing to make this event a grand success.

5) Tutorials for attending the event and scheduling, arranging B2B meetings etc. between Indian Exhibitors and Importers will be sent in due course.

6) We will be also sending HTML Flyers in  English  in our subsequent mail for wide publicity of the event through your official website/social media/ direct mailers/invitations etc. from your good office to all concerns  in local language for easy registration of willing Importers of Malaysia for the said event. It will assist the concerns to register in IICBMF cum B2B during  8th to 11th March 2022  easily. 

7) Detailed profile of the Indian Exhibitors may kindly be arranged in local language for circulation to all concerned for their easy understanding about the Indian Exhibitors in the said event and their product line well in advance. 

8) We would also like to request your goodself to please share with us detailed list of Importers of Ceramic Tiles, Sanitarywares and other Ceramic Products and also a list of Chambers, Associations, Trade Bodies from Malaysia so that we may also send direct invitations to them apart from invitations / intimation from our esteemed Mission . 

9) We shall be highly obliged if the Name, Designation and WhatsApp No. of the contact point  (concerned from your office) IS SHARED WITH us for quick and smooth communication on the stated matter .    

Against this backdrop, we take this opportunity to invite and welcome you and to urge your goodself to help us in propagating this event among potential and prospective buyers / importers of Malaysia and thereby enthuse prominent Indian Exporters and to explore collectively possible sourcing and export opportunities.
We shall be grateful to have a goodwill Video Message & Text Message  from your goodself. Your kind inspiring words will boost the morale of the exporter fraternity. Our digital team would be pleased to incorporate such video in the said event.  The event will be held LIVE from 8th to 11th March 2022. 

Without your support & guidance, it is not possible for the Council to execute such trade promotional events in the countries of your accreditation. 

We are very much hopeful to make this event a grand success as far as   Malaysia  is  concerned with your support and valued guidance. 

With this, we are avidly waiting for your confirmation and if possible virtual presence to the extent possible during the event.  

Concerning the said event, our following team members are always at your service :-

Shri Narendra Mohan, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL,New Delhi, Email:,
Mob. +91 9811422144( Call & WhatsApp)
Shri Kuntal Ghosh, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL, Kolkata, Email: eoero[at]capexil[dot]in, Mob. +91 9674992355 (Call & WhatsApp)   


Page last update date: 11-03-2022 09:03:33