भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

The Vibrant Kongu Nadu Coimbatore Global Expo and Summit 2020 (VKC GES 2020) ( will be held in Coimbatore between October 16-18, 2020. This first of its kind international expo will focus on multi-sectoral practical opportunities for KonguNadu. Bringing importers, investors, key sectoral manufacturers, technologists, service providers and traders together on a common platform to discuss, share, debate and celebrate the best of key focus sectors of Kongu Nadu. The Vibrant Kongu Nadu Coimbatore will be an international event and will be registering its name in key commercial milestones of the year with 250+ Kongu Nadu based companies as exhibitors.. 

The VKC-GES 2020 is a joint initiative of the Vibrant Coimbatore Foundation in partnership with Global Network, an international trade advisory firm.

The knowledge summit at VKC GES 2020 will be organized concurrently with the international Expo with an aim to bridge the gap between Kongu Nadu industries and other national as well as international players. “Moreover, internationally acknowledged and successful 'Kongu Nadu' ans' hailing from over 20 different countries shall be making a memorable visit to their native soil,”

Key Sectors of focus:

The following are the benefits to delegates from Malaysia when they visit Vibrant Kongu Nadu Coimbatore 2020:

Complimentary 3 nights’ accommodation at star hotel in Coimbatore, India.

Complimentary all meals for 3 days

Complimentary all local transport for 3 days

Sight-seeing plan

Factory visits to top companies as per the request

B2B meetings

B2G meetings with Government officials

Intern buddy with delegates for all 3 days 

Exhibition visit

Summit participation

Investment opportunities

We look forward to your kind support for Vibrant Kongu Nadu Coimbatore 2020 to strengthen the ties between India and Malaysia.

For further details kindly visit our

For more information on Vibrant Coimbatore: Facebook | LinkedIn

Page last update date: 20-10-2020 09:03:33