भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

Eligibility Criteria:

Under the OCI card scheme, Persons of Indian Origin(PIO), who are citizens of other countries, (except Pakistan and Bangladesh), but were citizens of India on or after 26th January, 1950 or were eligible to become citizens of India on 26th January 1950, are eligible to register themselves as Overseas Citizens of India (OCI). 

OCI services are not available to:

  • Step-children and adopted children
  • To asylees
  • Applicants with single parent whose birth certificate mention about only one parent
  • Minors who are born out of live-in relationship
  • Foreign national whose Indian spouse is no more
  • Person working/retired with Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Person working/retired with Malaysian Ministry of Defence
  • Person working/retired with Malaysian Police Department

Application Form and Procedure for uploading

Application for registration has to be made online through the web site of Ministry of Home Affairs  Instructions therein may be pursued carefully particularly with respect to supporting documents required.Please refer to the check list provided by High Commission CLICK HERE so that there are no mistake in submission of application.  Part A and Part B of the application form have to be filled online and printout of the application form along with documents is required to be submitted to High Commission.  Please CLICK HERE for OCI fresh uploading procedure.

Applicant who is above 12 years old is required to be present in person for submission of the application form due to Bio_Metric enrolement process. However, in case of minor children below 12 years old either parent can submit on behalf.

Documents required

The required documents listed below are indicative in nature and attempt has been made to cover majority of the cases. However, the Consular Officer may ask for additional documents after examining the application.   After making an online application and uploading all required documents as per the check list provided for respective services, please report to the High Commission with a hard copy of the application along with the documents (originals and photocopies) and two photographs  size 2’x2’ with white background (square shape with 80% coverage by face. The documents are to be produced in original for verification and photocopies of the same to be attached with application.  If the applicant ever held an Indian Passport, then proof of renunciation of citizenship/surrender of passport certificate should also be submitted.

Kindly note that the High Commission will accept an application for grant of OCI status after satisfying itself on the adequacy and authenticity of supporting documentation provided.  In certain cases this is likely to take time as the documents may require verification from the issuing authorities in India. In such cases the High Commission cannot prescribe the timeframe within which the OCI card will be issued. In these cases, at the stage of initial application, an acknowledgement will be provided to you.  Applicants are advised to keep track of their OCI status online.

(i)  OCI Fresh Application.    Fee RM 1312.00 + Service Charge (Debit Card) .   Please CLICK HERE for OCI Fresh Check List.

(ii) OCI Miscellaneous Services - Issuance of new passport, change of personal particulars i.e. name, father’s name, date of birth, nationality etc. Fee RM 132 + Service Charge (Debit Card).    Please CLICK HERE for Miscellaneous Services Check List

(iii) Issuance of duplicate OCI card in lieu of lost OCI card .   Fee RM 486.00 + Service Charge (Debit Card).   Please CLICK HERE for Check List

(iv)  If existing PIO card holders has lost or damaged the PIO card, they are required to apply for OCI services.  Fee RM 486.00   + Service Charge  (Debit Card)   Please CLICK HERE for Check List.

(v) For conversion of PIO card to OCI card.Fee RM 486.00 + Service Charge  (Debit Card) . Please CLICK HERE for Check List

Please note:

For application submission and OCI collection, online appointment booking is mandatory. Appointment can be booked by clicking below link:

The High Commission of India may ask for additional documents if required for processing the OCI application form.

Processing time: It is not possible for the High Commission to give exact processing time but it may take approximately 60 days.

Applicants are advised to keep track of the OCI status in the Online Status Enquiry.


  • Grating OCI card to spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder may take some time pending clearances.  The marriage should have been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application.
  • OCI card have to be re-issued each time a new passport is issued up to the completion of 20 years of age and after completion of 50 years of age.  Fee RM 132.00
  • Re-issuance of OCI card is not mandatory each time a new passport is issued between 21-50 years of age. The applicant can continue to travel carrying the old passport along with new passport and the OCI card for visiting India.  However, if the applicant wishes to obtain new OCI card, he/she can apply for the same under Miscellaneous Services.  CLICK HERE FOR Check List

OCI status confers the following benefits:

  • Multiple-entry, multi-purpose life-long visa to visit India
  • Exemption from reporting to Police authorities for any length of stay in India
  • Parity with NRIs in financial, economic and educational fields except in the acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties, and
  • A person registered as OCI is eligible to apply for grant of Indian citizenship under section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act, 1955 if he/she is registered as OCI for five years and has been residing in India for one year out of the five years before making the application.
  • Registered OCI shall be treated at par with Non-Resident-Indian in the matter of inter-country adoption of Indian children.
  • Registered OCI shall be treated at par with resident Indian nationals in the matter of tariffs in air fares in domestic sectors in India.
  • Registered OCI shall be charged the same entry fee as domestic Indian visitors to visit national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India
  • Parity with Non-Resident Indian in respect of entry fees to be charged for visiting the national monuments, historical sites and museums in India;
  • Pursuing the following professions in India, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the relevant Acts, namely:-doctors, dentists, nurses and pharmacists; advocates; architects; and chartered accountants.
  • Parity with Non-Resident Indian to appear for the All India Pre-medical Test or such other tests to make them eligible for admission in pursuance of the provisions contained in the relevant Acts.
  • State Governments should ensure that the OCI registration booklets of OCIs are treated as their identification for any services rendered to them. In case proof of residence is required, Overseas Citizens of India may give an affidavit attested by a notary public stating that a particular/specific address may be treated as their place of residence in India and may also in their affidavit give their overseas residential address as well as e-mail address, if any.
  • Benefits to which OCI is not entitled to: The OCI is not entitled to vote, be a member of Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or Parliament, cannot hold constitutional posts such as President, Vice President, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court etc. and he/she cannot normally hold employment in the Government. 
  • OCI card does NOT entitle the cardholder to undertake any missionary, mountaineering and research work in India, without the prior permission of the Government of India. Prior permission of the competent authority is also required for visiting restricted/protected area for details, visit 

Page last update date: 20-02-2025 01:34:11