भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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High Commission of India,
Kuala Lumpur

Scholarships for Indian nationals to pursue MBBS at Asia Metropolitan University (AMU), Malaysia

          The High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur in association with the ‘Palan Foundation’ is inviting applications from Indian nationals intending to pursue MBBS, at the Asia Metropolitan University (AMU), Johor Bahru.

2. Details of the scholarships are as follows:

i) 75% tuition fee scholarships for MBBS at AMU – two seats.

ii) 50% tuition fee scholarships for MBBS at AMU – two seats.

3. Kindly note that the scholarship is only for the Tuition Fees. The application form can be downloaded from the AMU’s website at <Student-Application-Form-AMU.pdf>.  Applicants should fulfil the eligibility criteria set by AMU.  The applications forms along with the relevant enclosures must be emailed to the Education Wing, High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur <edu[dot]hcikl[at]gmail[dot]com> by 30 August 2021.

4. Please note that submission of an application is not an assurance of grant of scholarship. The decision of the selection committee is final.


Kuala Lumpur
12 August 2021

Page last update date: 22-07-2022 04:25:15