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High Commission of India
Kuala Lumpur
Flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of
68th Independence Day of India at India House
on Friday August 15, 2014
1. On the occasion of the 68th Independence Day of India on Friday
15th August 2014, a flag hoisting ceremony will be held at
“India House” No.1, Lorong Duta Dua, Off Persiaran Duta,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
2. The programme for the function is as follows :
0830 – 0845 hrs : Gathering of Indian nationals and their families.
0900 hrs : Unfurling of the national flag by H.E. Shri T.S. Tirumurti, High Commissioner of India followed by singing of the national Anthem.
0905 hrs : Reading out of excerpts from the President’s Address to TheNation.
0915 hrs : Singing of patriotic songs
0930 hrs : Followed by refreshments in the lawn area.
3. All Indian citizens are cordially invited to join us on this happy occasion.
Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20