भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.


        Chennai and its suburbs and some other parts of Tamil Nadu have recently faced devastating floods following unprecedented rainfall.  The city of Chennai was worst affected and, after a massive relief effort, it is slowly limping back to normal.

              The High Commission has received numerous messages of concern and sympathy from Malaysians from all walks of life expressing their readiness to offer assistance to the people of Tamil Nadu.  The High Commission conveys its sincere gratitude for this outpouring of concerns and appreciates the offer of assistance to India at this difficult juncture.

             Since many enquiries have come regarding possible contributions/assistance, while the Government of India has not appealed for help since all the relief efforts are being undertaken by its own teams and resources, those who have enquired for possible channels to route their monetary contributions to the Government of Tamil Nadu, have the following options in case it is so desired:

(i)         Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund (CMPRF)

             Contributions to CMPRF can be remitted directly by Electronic Clearing System (ECS) to the designated Savings Bank Account of CMRPRF to Indian Overseas Bank, Secretariat Branch, Chennai 600 009, Tamil Nadu, India.  Details are as follows

                          Bank                           :           Indian Overseas Bank
                          Branch                       :           Secretariat Branch, Chennai 600 009
                          SB A/C No.                :           11720 10000 00070
                          IFS Code                   :           IOBA0001172
                          CMPRF                      :           AAAGC0038F

(Details available from Tamil Nadu Government

             Contribution to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund can also be made by Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund”.  This is an option in case of Cheques etc. drawn on Indian banks.  Your remittances by Cheque/Demand Draft and any correspondence may be addressed to: 

The Joint Secretary & Treasurer
Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund
Finance (CMPRF) Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
Secretariat, Chennai 600 009
Tamil Nadu, India

(ii)        India International Bank in Malaysia (IIB-M)

             India International Bank, which is a Malaysian bank, has agreed to transfer cash contributions to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund from Malaysia at minimal transaction costs.  In case you deposit a Cheque/Demand Draft in favour of India International Bank in Malaysia, it will, in turn, transfer the amount to CMPRF.  Any individual/organization/association could approach IIB-M with following documents:

  • Cheque favouring “India International Bank Malaysia Berhad”
  • Details of the remitter viz. Proof of registration, NRIC copy, Passport copy etc.
  • Letter from the authorized signatories of the Association, mentioning that the Trust/Firm/Company/Association and that internal approvals for the said remittance are available.

(iii)      Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF)

            It may also be noted that Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) accepts voluntary contributions from individuals, Organizations, Trusts, Companies and Institutions etc.  The detail for online transfer can be downloaded from .

             For any further enquiries, you may like to contact Mr. Bramha Kumar, First Secretary and Head of Chancery at his email





Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20