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BHEL SBD Bangalore has floated Global Tender Enquiry for Supply of MS Catalyst Cage as per Drg No.1-985-1-130-675-120 Rev 00 against Tender Ref. No.: 12302856 Dated 16.07.2022.

Global Tender Enquiry for Supply of MS Catalyst Cage - Corrigendum

We wish to inform you that BHEL has issued Corrigendum No-1 for the subject tender with Addendum No-1 Letter for Change in the Drawing Revision. supply-ms-catalyst-cage-drg However , Addendum No-1 and Revised Drg is attached for your kind ref. You are requested to please participate accordingly.

The tender details are uploaded in BHEL tender official website Bhel under Tenders → Tender notification   with following details :

  • Tender Ref. No.: . 12302856 Dated 16.07.2022
  • Item Description : Supply of MS Catalyst Cage as per Drg No.1-985-1-130-675-120 Rev 00
  • BHEL NIT No. : 66839
  • Tender Due Date of Submission :27.07.2022 (Wednesday) , 14:00 Hrs (IST)

Direct Link to the above : bhel

For more details on participation in this tender and downloading the tender documents, please click on the above link and refer attached NIT under BHEL NIT No. 66839.

In case of any difficulty/problem regarding this tender , you may please contact:

Mr. Himanshu Kumar Naik
Dy. Manager
Materials Management
BHEL-SBD Bengaluru
Formerly - BHEL-EPD Bengaluru)
Email: himanshun[dot]bhel[dot]in
Telephone : 080-22182261
Mobile : +91-7895502264.

It may please be noted that this Tender is TWO PART BID and Tender participation can be done in either of the two mode as detailed below :


  • Physical or Hard Copy Mode : Part-I (Techno-Commercial Bid without mentioning prices) and Part-II (Price Bid with mentioning Prices) in Two Separate Sealed Envelopes and to be couriered or dropped in SBD-MM Tender Box kept at Tender Room near BHEL SBD Main Gate in following Address : C/o. AGM/MM , M/s BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD. (SOLAR BUSINESS DIVISION (SBD), Prof CNR Rao Circle, IISc Post, Malleswaram, Bangalore? 560 012. Please do mention the Tender Ref. No. & Item Description on Both the envelopes.
  • E-Mail Mode :Part-I (Techno-Commercial Bid without mentioning prices) to be sent on BHEL official Tender ID –technicalbid-epd[at]bhel[dot]in and Part-II (Price Bid with mentioning Prices) to be sent on BHEL official Tender ID –pricebid-epd[at]bhel[dot]in Please do mention the Tender Ref. No. & Item Description on subject of email.

For more details , please refer Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) & Checklist for Tender Documents.



Page last update date: 13-01-2023 01:03:52