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India Condoles the passing away of Padma Shri Puan Sri Janaky Athi Nahappan
This morning, High Commissioner of India Mr. T. S. Tirumurti, accompanied by the Defence Adviser Col. Praveen Chhabra, visited the residence of freedom-fighter Padma Shri Puran Sri JanakyAthiNahappan, to pay their last respects. A wreath was laid on behalf of the Government of India. The High Commissioner conveyed his deep condolences to the family.
The High Commissoner mentioned that Puan Sri Janaky was one of the legendary figures in the annals of India's history in its fight for independence. Her bravery, selflessness and sacrifice will always be remembered. In recognition, the President of India conferred on her one of India's highest civilian award - Padma Shri, in the year 2000.
The High Commissioner added that "she was one of the first person I called on when I took over as the High Commissioner of India in Malaysia. Little did I realise then that my first meeting with her would be my last. I will always cherish the memory of my meeting with her. Her contribution to India and Malaysia will never be forgotten."
10 May 2014
Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20