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Message from the External Affairs Minister following tragic crash of MH-17
On the recent tragic crash of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in Eastern Ukraine on July 17, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs of India, H.E. Mrs. Sushma Swaraj has conveyed her deep sense of loss and grief to the Government of Malaysia and to the families of those aboard the Malaysian airlines flight. In a letter addressed to H.E. Dato’ Sri Anifah Aman, Hon’ble Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia today, she conveyed her deep condolences on this tragic incident. She also stated that her thoughts and prayers were with the family members of all passengers and crew on board the flight. She also mentioned that India stands by the people and Government of Malaysia and other countries whose nationals were on board and their concerns would receive her closest attention.
July 18, 2014
Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20