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Najib pledges RM4.2m to Chennai Flood Relief Fund
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has pledged a Malaysian government cash aid of USD1 million (about RM4.2 million) to the Chennai Flood Relief Fund to ease the difficulties faced by people of the south Indian city hit by two major waves of floods, said Malaysia's Special Envoy to India and South Asia for Infrastructure Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu Vellu.
Samy Vellu said he spoke to Najib on Monday on the difficulties faced by people of Chennai and requested a donation to be channeled to the fund.
"PM agreed to my request, and the government of Malaysia and its people always help other nations in times of need on the humanitarian grounds," he told Bernama.
Samy Vellu said the contribution would be handed over to the Tamil Nadu state government as soon as possible.
"The contribution also reflects PM's kindness and generosity in coming to aid of our fellow Tamils who are suffering due to the devastating floods," added the former minister.
In a related development, Samy Vellu also said he would discuss with officials of Tamil Nadu government in providing long term assistance to the state.
According to state officials, more than 500 people lost their lives so far in flood related incidents. Thousands of people in Chennai have been displaced after the much of the city was inundated by rising water levels. — Bernama
Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20