भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur

(Passport, EC & OCI Section)


            Subject: Notice regarding appointments.

1. Further to High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur’s earlier notification dated 18 March 2020 regarding temporary suspension of OCI services due to implementation of Movement Control Order (MCO) by the Government of Malaysia.  Please be advised that all appointments for all Passports, Emergency Certificates and OCIs that were taken for the period starting 18 March, 2020 stand cancelled.

2. Fresh appointments for the required services may be sought online, once High Commission notifies (through the website) the resumption of public dealings at the Chancery premises.

3. Date for collection of OCI cards ready for collection, will be notified on the High Commission website.  Fresh appointments for collection of OCI cards also may be taken thereafter.

4. All persons visiting High Commission premises for services through prior appointments are required adhere to necessary health/social distancing measures including mask and gloves etc. put on mask and gloves; and strictly maintain a distance of one meter while seated in the hall.

5. No visitor will be permitted to dispose off used masks and gloves at the High Commission premises.


With regards,

Charles Toppo

Second Secretary (Passport, EC & OCI)

HCI, Kuala Lumpur

Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20