भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

Offer of scholarships by ICCR under GSS and EEP for academic year 2021-22

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Government of India has announced the ‘General Scholarship Scheme (GSS)’, and Education Exchange Programme (EEP) under which Malaysia has been allocated 3 slots and 2 slots respectively for the academic year 2021-22, to pursue UG, PG, and PhD courses in India.  However, medical, dental, paramedical (nursing, physiotherapy, anaesthesia, etc.), and fashion courses are not covered under the scholarships.

2. Interested applicants in the age group of 18 to 30 years, should apply online on the ICCR's ‘A2A Scholarship Portal’ <>, by 30 April 2021. Applicants can apply to 5 universities / institutes on the A2A Scholarship Portal, in the order of their preference of study.  The universities / institutes will inform the applicants of the selection / rejection of their applications by 25.06.2021, and the Mission will decide on allocating the scholarships and generating the Offer Letters for the students latest by 05.07.2021 (first round) / 19.07.2021 (second round).  The selected students will convey their acceptance of the scholarships latest by 12.07.2021 (first round) / 25.07.2021 (second round).  Applicants shouldn’t have any serious health problems.  The students must obtain international medical insurance for an assured sum for INR 500,000/- (equivalent to USD 6,800/-) per annum, before they travel to India.


5 April 2021

Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20