भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur


Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (SPDC) 2021-22

            Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India launched a scheme called ‘Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children’ (SPDC), for the academic year 2021-22, for the Children of NRIs/PIOs to pursue under graduate courses in several disciplines in India.  Only fresh admission students (1st year) shall be eligible to obtain the scholarship.  Highlights of the SPDC for the academic year 2021-22 are:

2. The scheme is open to four categories of applicants in the age group of 17 to 21 years as on 31st July 2021:

a) Children of Persons of Indian Origin

b) Children of Non-Resident Indians

c) Children of Indian workers in ECR countries – studying outside India.

d) Children of Indian workers in ECR countries – studying in India.

3. The total seats of scholarships is 150, out of which 50 seats are reserved for the category (c) and (d). Of these 50 scholarships, 1/3rd shall be reserved for children who are pursuing studies in India, subject to the fulfilling eligibility conditions.  If any of these seats are not filled up, they will be made available to applicants from other categories under SPDC and vice-versa.

4. Children of NRIs should have pursued at least three years of education, inclusive of 11th & 12th or equivalent (not beyond), in a foreign country during the last six years, and should have passed the qualifying examination abroad.

5. Candidates would be selected on the basis of their performance in the qualifying examination (equivalent to Plus 2 stage in India) which decides the eligibility to apply for the scholarship scheme. The candidates would also have to fulfil all the criteria prescribed for the purpose.

6. The institutions that are covered under this scheme are:

a) NITs, IIITs, Schools of Planning and Architecture

b) ‘A’ Grade institutions accredited by NAAC and recognized by UGC.

c) Other institutions covered under DASA scheme.

7. The amount of scholarship admissible would be 75% of the total Institutional Economic Cost (IEC) subject to a maximum of US$ 4000/- per annum in respect of NITs and other Institutions covered under DASA Scheme. IEC includes Tuition fee, Hostel fee & other institutional charges (Food charges are excluded).

8. The total monthly income of the parent(s) of the applicant should not exceed an amount of equivalent of US$ 5000/- . The parents of the applicants will provide a self-attested salary certificate from the employer based in a foreign country.

9. After obtaining admission in selected courses in any of the specified Institutes, students who fulfil all other eligibility conditions can complete and submit the online application form on the SPDC portal (

10. The last date for submission of the duly filled in application forms in the prescribed format is 30th November 2021.


10 June 2021

Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20