भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

Study India Programme (SIP) for youth (18 to 26 years) of Indian origin

1. The Government of India will be conducting the 3rd Study India Programme (SIP) from 22nd December 2014 to 14th January 2015. This is a 4-week orientation programme for youth to familiarize them with the art, culture, heritage, history and social/economic development of India. The programme will be organized in partnership with the Symbiosis Centre for International Education, Pune. The participants would undergo a 3-week academic programme and 1-week field visit.

2. The programme is open to youth of Indian origin in the age group 18-26 years, as on the first day of December, 2014.

3. The content of the programme broadly includes the following:

  • Academic content which would facilitate understanding of contemporary India and its development, political and financial systems, economic, social and administrative structures;
  • Cultural content which would help the participants to be immersed in the Indian experience with exposure to Indian mythology, history, arts, handicrafts, dance, music, cuisine, languages and age-old traditions and
  • Visits will be organised to different institutions, industries of importance and rural areas to allow the participants to gain first hand exposure to India.

4. Applicants for this programme should either be a Graduate or pursuing graduation and should be well versed in English(they should have studied English as a subject at the High School level or should have English as a medium of instruction for graduate degree course) language. They should not have participated in any previous Know India Programme (KIP) / Study India Programme (SIP) or Internship Programme for Diaspora Youth (IPDY) organized by the Government of India. Those who have not visited India before would be given preference. The applicant should also enclose a medical fitness certificate from a General Physician stating that he/she is medically fit to take part in the programme in India. They will also have to give an undertaking that they would abide by the regulations of the SIP, which will be conveyed to them.

5. The selected participant will have to take an overseas medical insurance for the duration of the visit in India.

6. The participants will be provided following hospitality / facilities in India:

  • Local hospitality e.g. boarding / lodging in State Guest Houses or budget hotels.
  • Internal travel as per the Programme.
  • Gratis Visa by the Indian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Reimbursement of 90% of the cheapest economy class return air ticket from Malaysia to India by the High Commission of India, after successful participation in the SIP.
7. The SIP application form is available at the following link of the High Commission:click here

8. The duly filled-in SIP application form accompanied with a medical report in the prescribed format, and photocopy of passport / IC, and proof of completion or pursuing Bachelors degree, may be submitted in person or by post at the following address beforeNovember 25, 2014.

High Commission of India,
Education Section,
Menara 1 Mon’t Kiara, Level 28,
No. 1, Jalan Kiara, Mon’t Kiara,
50480 Kuala Lumpur. 

Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20