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The 12th Edition of IIJS Signature 10th- 13th February 2019 organized by Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) at Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) Mumbai, India

1.    The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is the apex body of trade sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India to promote exports of the gems and Jewellery from India. Being one of India's leading foreign exchange earners and one of the fastest growing sectors accounting for 13.52 % of India’s total merchandise exports during FY 2017-18, the industry has registered a remarkable growth over the last four decades, with exports from US$ 28 million in the 1966-67 when the GJEPC was established to US$ 41.02 billion in FY 2017-18.

2.    The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) was able to successfully host the 11th edition of IIJS Signature 2018 held in Mumbai from 9th – 12th February 2018. The show witnessed a huge interest from more than 1000 overseas buyers from 53 + countries, like UAE, UK, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Nepal, Iran, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkey and China, USA etc., to mention a few. The show garnered tremendous business response, and has further established successful sourcing partnerships in our objective to further enhance exports of gems and jewellery from India.

3.   In its endeavor to promote India as the “Innovation hub for Designer Jewellery’’; the Council is organizing the following focused business to business  shows at Mumbai that caters to the sourcing needs of the G & J industry:

4.   12th edition of IIJS Signature (10th - 13th, February 2019): India’s jewellery manufacturing strengths are now established as a reliable and competitive source which retailers and consumers the world over have come to appreciate. The IIJS Signature platform showcases the highest quality, cutting edge designs and superior craftsmanship by the participants. This is a B2B event where exhibitors have an opportunity to discover the latest trends, meet with the leading manufacturers and plan their collections and inventories. After the culmination of the festive season, jewelers look forward to re-stocking their stores with the trendiest jewellery collections which is accomplished with style at IIJS Signature every year. For further information please visit

5.   6th edition of India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME- 10th - 13th February 2019) GJEPC’s initiative to organise Asia’s largest gem and jewellery technology expo, The India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME), organized by GJEPC, features leading international and domestic manufacturers and suppliers of machinery, technology, allied products and services such as packaging, IT & Software, etc. The expo will be held in conjunction with IIJS Signature 2019, which is expected to be attended by over 15,000 visitors. For further information please visit

6.   Based on the approval of their company profiles, GJEPC may offer you the privileged facilities mentioned below, on complimentary basis to selected buyers from overseas. 

  • 2 nights/3 days Stay at a Luxurious hotel during the event
  • Airport pick-up & drops
  • Shuttle bus services from hotel to exhibition venue & return
  • Entry Passes to networking evenings
  • Interpreter facility from non-English speaking countries (applicable for a group of min. 5 delegates

7.    Please find enclosed buyer profile form and show flyer of the event.

8.  For more information, please contact Mr. Vikrant Pradhan, Asst. Director – Exhibitions or log on to







Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20