भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

In association with Government of Gujarat, Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO) is organizing mega event along with B2B (buyers-sellers) meetings on the product category as mentioned below to assist enterprises active in the sector for establishing new business contacts. This mega event is supported by Ministry of Commerce.


1. Engineering (Auto Parts, Brass items, Machinery - Pharma , Textiles, Diesel Engines, Oil Mills, and equipments)

2. Electrical & Electronic equipment

3. Chemicals / Dyes & Dyestuff / Pigments

4. Pharmaceutical products

5. Plastics and articles

6. Cotton / Textile / Garments / Apparel / Manmade Textiles & Made up

7. Agro Chemicals 8. Medical Equipments/ Hospital Furniture

The meeting will take place in Gandhinagar city of Gujarat on 12th & 13th January 2015 and they wish to invite enterprises/importers to connect suppliers/exporters from the region and interact with each other to explore business opportunities. Individual consultations will be arranged between participation enterprises with complementary business interests, determined on the basis of information provided by them in the enterprise/product profile form. Economy Class Air Travel and 2 days Hotel stay will be provided by the organisers to the approved International Enterprises to attend the above event.

For further details/information, please contact directly the office of FIEO (Mr. Dhawal Upadhayay or Mr. Nihar Lakhia) as follows:

Federation of Indian Export Organisation,
Times Square, Unit No. 3A, B-Wing,
4th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E),
400059, Mumbai India.
Tel:+ 91-22-40572200
Fax:+ 91-22-28522334


Page last update date: 2024-11-29 11:44:20