भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

External website that opens in a new window.

Right to Information

The Right to Information Act, 2005 is an important legislation to promote transparency and accountability in the functioning of public authorities of India. Any citizen of India has the right to seek information from public authorities as per the provisions of the RTI Act. The full text of the RTI Act, 2005 may be accessed at the link: pdf icon imageFormat-PDFSize-1089kbLanguage-English

Suo-Moto declaration of public information as mandated under section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005 in respect of the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur is available at the link: RTI_Act_2005.pdf pdf icon imageFormat-PDFSize-85.9kbLanguage-English

The contact details of the designated Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and the First Appellate Authority (FAA) for the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur are as below:

Designation Name and Designation Telephone/Email Address
Deputy High Commissioner & Appellate Authority Ms. Subashini Narayanan (Deputy High Commissioner) Tel:+603 4023 7979
High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur Level 1, Wisma HRIH Lotus, No. 442 Jalan Pahang, Setapak,53000 Kuala Lumpur.
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) Mr. Vikram Vardhan
First Secretary(Pol & Press) & HOC
Tel:+603 4026 9898
High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur Level 1, Wisma HRIH Lotus, No. 442 Jalan Pahang, Setapak,53000 Kuala Lumpur.

An Indian citizen wishing to seek information under the RTI Act may submit application as per the section 6 of the RTI Act to the Central Public Information officer of the High Commission. Please note that a RTI request to the High Commission should primarily concern a subject matter, for which it is reasonably presumed that relevant information is being held by the High Commission. In other cases, the applications should be made to the CPIOs of the respective public authorities.

An RTI applicant aggrieved with the reply/decision of the CPIO can file an appeal with the FAA of the High Commission. If a citizen is not satisfied with the decision of the FAA, a second Appeal may be filed before the Central Information Commission.

Modes and Procedure to file RTI application


a. Postal Application:

An application addressed to the Central Public Information Officer may be sent by post to: High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur, Level 1, Wisma HRIH Lotus, No. 442 Jalan Pahang, Setapak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur along with the following:

1. Documentary proof of Indian citizenship

2. Prescribed fee of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten only) in equivalent Argentine Pesos through a cheque or demand draft in favour of the Embassy of India.

b. Online Application:

Online RTI application should be submitted through the RTI Portal:

The guidelines for use of RTI online Portal are available on the link:

The application filed through Web Portal would reach electronically to the Nodal Officer" of concerned Ministry/Department, who would transmit the RTI application electronically to the concerned CPIO.

Fee for RTI application submitted through RTI web portal can be made online, as per the modes prescribed therein.

For filing RTI application to High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur through the web portal, applicants should in the column - Select Ministry/Department/Apex body, select – Ministry of External Affairs; and in the column - Select Public Authority, select – High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur.

Public Information under Section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act, 2005 RTI_Act_2005.pdf pdf icon imageFormat-PDFSize-85.9kbLanguage-English

Page last update date: 20-12-2024 18:04:23