- Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts [EPCH] is an apex body of exporters for promotion of exports of handicrafts in India. In their continuous efforts to promote exports, diversify products, this Council organizes bi-annually IHGF-DELHI FAIR (AUTUMN) and (SPRING) in India besides regular products specific shows which are visited by large number of foreign buyers.
- For Brand Image Promotion of Indian Handicrafts in the international market, Council participates in prominent International fairs/exhibitions globally in which member exporters of the Council display their products for exploring exports.
- EPCH is participating in 15th Global Indian Festival Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to be held from 31stMay to 4th June 2017at Hall No. 1 Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Around 22 member exporters of the Council shall be displaying their products during the fair.
- For further details, Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Executive Director, EPCH, may please be contacted directly at the following coordinates:
Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts
"EPCH HOUSE", Pocket-6 & 7,
Sector 'C', L.S.C., Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi – 110 070.
Tel : 91-11-26135232/56/57/58
Fax : 91-11-26135518/19
E-Mail : mails@epch.com; patoed@epch.com
Website : www.epch.in 