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Government of India

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                       We are delighted to inform that India is going to host the third session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) during 6th  to 10th  February, 2017 in Chennai, India.


2)                 The Codex Alimentarius Commission, an international body jointly established in 1963 by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), works for development and adoption of Codex food standards and Guidelines.


3)                 As an export promotion body for Indian spices, Spices Board India had taken initiatives for establishment of an exclusive committee for spices and culinary hers by submission of a new work proposal at Codex Session (CAC36) in 2012. The information of Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) was approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2013. The scope of CCSCH is the development and adoption of Codex standards for spices and culinary herbs taking into consideration various national and regional standards. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between India, the host country of CCSCH and the FAO with approval of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.


3)                 Spices Board India being the organization manning the Secretariat of the CCSCH, organizes the CCSCH sessions at an interval of 18 months. The First session of CCSCH was conducted in February 2014 at Kochi, Kerala which was attended by 107 participants from 40 countries. The second session of CCSCH was held at Goa in September 2015 which had a participation of 99 delegates from 38 countries and three Observer organizations. The third session is going to deliberate much important documents that are already listed in the agenda for the meeting.


4)                 Codex standards are not mandatory but referred in case of international trade disputes. These international standards are also helpful in minimizing non-tariff barrier to trade. Through the discussions happened in second session, Codex draft standards for Black, Green, White pepper and Cumin were finalized by CCSCH and moved to further stages for adoption. As there are 109 commodities classified as spices and culinary herbs by ISO, development of Codex standards for these commodities will be helpful in smoothening international spice trade. Major spice producing countries in Africa, Asia, West Asia and Latin America besides spice importing countries in North America, Australia and Europe are expected to attend this session.


6.                 For further information, Dr. P.S. Sreekantan Thampi, Organizing Secretary (CCSCH), may please be contacted directly at the following address:


CCSCH Secretariat, Spices Board India,

(Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India),

Sugandha Bhavan,  N.H.By Pass, Palarivattom P.O.,

Cochin 682025, Kerala, India.

Tel             : +91-48-42333606

Mobile : +91-94-47435059

Fax           : +91-48-42333606

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Page last update date: 10-02-2017 09:03:33