भारत सरकार

Government of India

High Commission of India

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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 The Buyer Seller Meet of Agri, Fisheries & Processed Food 

  1. The Buyer Seller Meet of Agri, Fisheries & Processed Food will be organized during 15th -17th April 2017, Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkata, India. 
  2. India is one of the front ranking countries in production of fruits and vegetable like potatoes, onions, cauliflowers, brinjal, cabbages, bananas, papayas, mangoes, pineapple, guavas and many others in the world. The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. In Marine and Fisheries including capture, culture and processing is an important sector in India. With a coastline of over 8,000 km, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of over 2 million sq km, and with extensive freshwater resources, fisheries play a vital role. India ranks second in world fish production, contributing about 5.4 per cent of global fish production.
  3. The Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) would be happy to provide the economic return air ticket, local accommodation & local transfers to the nominated buyers from Malaysia. In this connection, ICC we would require the scanned copy of passports along with confirmation of participation and a brief profile on the requirement.
  4. The Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Government of India has entrusted the ICC to organize the Buyer Sellers Meet. For registration and further coordination, please contact directly Mr. Arijit Dey (tel: 00-9178-9000-8357; fax: 00-9133-2231-3377/2231-3380 email:; website: External Link Icon), under intimation to this mission.

Page last update date: 31-03-2017 09:03:33