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Greetings from CAPEXIL! – A Premier Export Promotion Council under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.
It is our privilege to inform you that under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, as a part of export promotion programme, CAPEXIL is organizing Three Virtual Events between February, 2022 and April, 2022. The events are approved under MAI Scheme of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India for 2021-22.
Details of Virtual Events-
The prime objective of the said event is to promote bilateral trade between India & Malaysia.
In this connection, we will be highly obliged if you kindly arrange to get us details of established importers of Paper, Paper Board, Paper Products, Packaging, Books, Publishing and Printing from the Chambers / Associations / Trade Body / Professional Agency, etc. with your personal intervention so that we may send them direct invitations to participate in the above 3 mega events.
We also take this opportunity to invite and welcome you and to urge your good self to help us in propagating this event among potential and prospective buyers / importers of Malaysia thereby enthuse prominent Indian Exporters to explore collectively possible sourcing and export opportunities.
Without your active support & guidance, it will not be possible for us to execute such trade promotional events in the country of your accreditation.
With this, we are avidly waiting for your kind confirmation and if possible virtual presence to the extent possible during the event.
Concerning the said event, our following team members are always at your service: -
Mr. Narendra Mohan, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL, New Delhi
Email: narendramohan[at]capexil[dot]in , Mob. +91 -9811422144 (Call & WhatsApp)
Ms. Kritika, Executive Officer, CAPEXIL, New Delhi,
Email: Kritika[dot]nro[at]capexil[dot]in , Mob. +91- 8375081512 (Call & WhatsApp)
Page last update date: 14-04-2022 09:03:33