If you do not fall into any of the above categories, please ensure that you register with the nearest FRRO within 14 days of your arrival in India.
New Delhi
Email frrodli@nic.in
Phone: (11) 2671 - 1348 (Tele Fax)
Address: In charge Foreigner's Registration (F&R) Branch East Block-VIII, Level-II
Sector-1, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi - 110 066.
Email: frromum@nic.in
Phone: (22) 2262 - 1169 (O)
(22) 2262 - 0721 (Fax)
Address: 3rd Floor, Special Branch Bldg.,
Badruddin Tayabji Lane,
Behind St. Xavier's College,
Mumbai - 400 001
Email: frrokol@nic.in
Email: frrochn@nic.in
Phone: (44) 2345 - 4970 (O)
(44) 2345 - 4971 (Fax)
Address: Shastri Bhawan,
26, Haddows Road
Chennai - 600 006
Email: frroasr@nic.in
Phone: (183) 250 - 8250 (O)
Address: 123-D Ranjit Avenue,
Amritsar - 143 001.
Commissioner of Police: (80)2260707, 2256242 Ext. 222
DCP Intelligence: (80)2200920, 2256242 Ext. 291
Phone: 2741900 Ext. 2226 and 2259.
Address: First Floor, Police Headquarters Buildings, Section-9, Chandigarh.