Online Registration

Indian/ Foreign Nationals for VBM

Indian nationals who are residing in Malaysia who are on a short visit in Malaysia are requested to kindly register with the High Commission of India. This information is required in the light of situation arising of COVID-19.Registration with Embassy is voluntary.

Full Name *
Gender *
Age *
Are you Indian National *
Yes No
Reason for visiting Malaysia *
Others *
Profession *
Others *
Details of Employer *
Passport Number / OCI Number *
Mobile Number *
Alternate Mobile Number
Email *
Indian Address 1 *
Indian Address 2 *
District *
State *
Pincode *
Indian Phone Number *
Address in Malaysia *
Copy of valid visa / Resident card /OCI card /Foreign Passport *
What is the compelling reason to return to India (50 words) *
Any other relevant information (50 words) *
Destination *
Nearest/ Most Convenient Airport *
Date of Entry if applicable *
Date of Expiry of Visa Permit *
Additional Information (Pregnancy/ Health Issue etc) *
Are you travelling as a Family Group *
Yes No