Missionary Visa
A Missionary Visa (specified ‘M-1’) is granted to a foreigner whose sole objective of visiting India is Missionary work not involving proselytization. No other activity is permissible on a Missionary visa.
The Mission would be issuing Missionary visa for eligible visa applicants including Malaysian nationals.
Documents required for Missionary visa:
- Duly filled in online visa application ( https://indianvisaonline.gov.in
) along with relevant documents.
- Original passport and its copies along with IC/ID copies.
- Two recent colour photos (2x2) with white background.
- Permission from the Government of India for opening Missionary centre in India.
- Applications for visas from members of recognized societies should be accompanied by a sponsorship letter from a responsible official of the society.
- A responsible official of the society shall, inter alia, give an undertaking for the maintenance in, and repatriation from, India of the applicant, should the need arise.
- The applicant should also be required to cite in the application, the names of two responsible persons in India ( preferably in the State/ UT in which the applicant proposes to work) who will furnish a guarantee bond to the Government for his/her maintenance in, and repatriation from, India.
- A foreign national on ‘M-1’ or ‘M-1X’ Visa shall comply with all the statutory obligations like payment of taxes.