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1.The Government of West Bengal is organizing the 3rd edition of Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS) on 20-21January, 2017 in Kolkata, India with a Golf session on 19th January 2017. The golf meet will preclude the B2B sessions that will be conducted on the sidelines of the plenary sessions. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is the Summit Partner and KPMG is the Knowledge Partner.
2.The past two editions of the Summits in 2015 and 2016 have proven to be milestones in terms of establishing Bengal as an ideal investment destination attracting participation from 31 countries. In BGBS 2016, investment proposals worth US$ 37.4 billion were received across sectors.
3.As the Government gears up for the 3rd edition of Bengal Global Business Summit (BGBS), the stage is set with a stable Government, remarkable growth, improved governance, ease of doing business and record investments in social and physical infrastructure.
4.West Bengal recorded a 12.02% growth in terms of GVA in 2015-16 (A) and the Industry sector of the State observed a growth rate of 10.59% in 2015-16 (A). Capital expenditure (asset creating) of the Govt. of West Bengal grew over 7 times in the past 5 years.
5.The State of West Bengal is charting new territories with upcoming ports, new opportunities for inland waterways development. The Amritsar-Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC) promises to open up new vistas of investment opportunities. Energy sector projects (solar and city gas distribution) and green city/ theme townships are attracting investor attention. With over 3.7 million enterprises, the State has a potential to become a leader in MSME development in the country.
6.Registration can be done at BGSB site www.bengalglobalsummit.com There is no cost for participating in BGSB. The brochures specifically focusing on the industrial infrastructure that is currently available in the State of West Bengal can be accessed at the following links:
West Bengal Corporate Brochure Link: - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WzlZtfoWNmX2VwNERuMENwVFVLTENpS1ZOWkg2NlhSX2ZJ
Industrial Park Brochure Link:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3WzlZtfoWNmbUN2SjFReVpmbzg/view
Film - State of West Bengal Link:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3WzlZtfoWNmdGtnOTFpQmhlMkE/view
Page last update date: 19-12-2016 09:03:33